Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation

 Remix Culture: What it is and how it's legal

    After being introduced to what Remix Culture is, I began to think about how I would define it in my own words. From my understanding, Remix Culture is taking works from other artists (fine artists, designers, sound designers, creators, etc.) and transforming them significantly for the work to be seen as its own new work created by you. 

    Fair Use allows artists to use other works from other artists without further compensation while protecting the original artist's work. Fair Use advocates for the transformation of the work and does not promote claiming someone else's work as your own unless that significant transformation is evident. Although fair use helps to protect original works, modern technology allows for a more extensive and faster reach for artists on the internet. We should question how fair use should be altered for this new space and time and compare it to when it was first created in 1976 (in the Copyright Act, United States). We should consider what it was designed/intended for during that time as opposed to how it should be altered to fit the time and new environment and allow for artists to create more freely and legally. 

10 Mashup Concepts 

Fire In My Bones
Playing on the idea of having a literal fire burning from your bones. The spine shape worked well with its shape matching the line of the candle stand, the campfire was scaled down to fit at the top and fit well inside the spine model. 


Banana Boat
Playing off the shape of the banana and the body of a boat/ship having a similar shape.


The idea of fish using jellyfish as a flashlight for light. This one is a stationary lamp under the sea. 


Lamp: Thing files for Simple lamp for desk by Niwatokoo - Thingiverse

Jellyfish and Fish: life of ocean by schneck007 - Thingiverse

Hanger Glider
Playing off the idea of using an umbrella as a hang glider while literally hanging a hanger off the hang glider.


Umbrella: Thing files for umbrella 4 cocktail by Syzguru11 - Thingiverse

Clothes Hanger: Our Generation, American Girl 18" Doll's clothes hanger by rafb - Thingiverse

For The Royals 
A sword that doubles as a wine glass. Fighter by day, classy by night. Both items together fall into a royal kingdom theme. 


Sword: Broad Sword by Teasaidh - Thingiverse

Wine Glass: Wine Glass by PeterShook - Thingiverse

Playing with the idea of seeing two familiar objects together (bowl and spoon) to signify breakfast while adding a third object (crystals) that you wouldn't typically see with the other objects. Entertaining the idea of instead of cereal occupying the bowl, there are delicate, crunchy crystals that you're eating instead.



Crystals: My Customized Tothite by Nottsboardgamer - Thingiverse

Spoon: stackable reasonable spoon by Syzguru11 - Thingiverse

Road Trippin
Combining a suitcase with a car communicates the idea of a road trip or getaway. Playing with the mimicking shapes of the objects, the rectangle body with the arched on top of both objects. 


Suitcase: Basic suitcase by JonesTheCat - Thingiverse

Car: car by Nattapat5 - Thingiverse

Lost at Sea
A lighthouse in the back of the boat makes it so the boat is never able to find land. The light from the lighthouse guides the boat through the ocean and will always be chasing something it can never obtain. 


Playing with the idea of being able to see what you're reading as the imagery pops right off the page. Also focusing on horizontal lines and movement from left to right to mimic reading a book from left to right. 

